Firstly - set the default user to be "root" like this:
At at CMD prompt with Administrator rights: C:\WINDOWS\system32>ubuntu config --default-user root
Then open WSL and run: # passwd defaultuser
To set the password for your preferred user (in example: "defaultuser")
At at CMD prompt with Administrator rights: C:\WINDOWS\system32>ubuntu config --default-user defaultuser
OK here's an easy way to burn a USB Key (Bootable) from iso image.
First, find out what the USB Key is appearing as in a list of your drives by executing fdisk -l.
In this case, mine is an old 1GB USB Drive: /dev/sdb
I applied this to 5.2-5 with no issues: sed -i.bak 's/NotFound/Active/g' /usr/share/perl5/PVE/API2/ && systemctl restart pveproxy.service