By admin, 19 March, 2025

Announcing an upgraded web server platform 

I have recently moved to the latest Ubuntu LTS release for this web server. 

  • Ubuntu 24.04
  • nginx version: nginx/1.24.0
  • Composer version 2.8.6 2025-02-25 13:03:50
  • PHP version 8.3.6 (php8.3-fpm)
By admin, 13 November, 2019

This applies to USB storage & remote drives
Drives formatted as FAT or NTFS can be mounted in WSL.
Assuming the drive appears in Windows as E:\ then

The commands below are typed into the WSL cli.

Create a mount location in WSL

# mkdir /mnt/e

Mount the drive in WSL:

mount -t drvfs e: /mnt/e

By admin, 8 November, 2019

Firstly - set the default user to be "root" like this:
At at CMD prompt with Administrator rights:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>ubuntu config --default-user root

Then open WSL and run:
# passwd defaultuser
To set the password for your preferred user (in example: "defaultuser")

At at CMD prompt with Administrator rights:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>ubuntu config --default-user defaultuser

By admin, 30 May, 2019

OK here's an easy way to burn a USB Key (Bootable) from iso image.
First, find out what the USB Key is appearing as in a list of your drives by executing fdisk -l.
In this case, mine is an old 1GB USB Drive: /dev/sdb

By admin, 28 February, 2019

When you are prompted by Composer during an update of your Drupal site - there are a few different options.

By admin, 19 December, 2018
DEV Platform check
By donmc, 7 October, 2017

root@XXX4:~# nohup rsync -av --delete /home/ root@ &
[1] 6288
root@XXX4:~# nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'


"tail -f nohup.out" when you get back...