By donmc, 7 December, 2009

I thought this was an interesting analogy for the IPV6 Address Space:

By donmc, 27 November, 2009

Article: "Google Chrome: The Official Start of the Cloud Era"
Author Lawrence Walsh says: "Google Chrome is being dismissed by competitors and analysts, but it may just be the official beginning of the cloud computing era by freeing users from big, heavy PCs and operating systems."

I commented on his article as follows:

By donmc, 24 November, 2009

A featured story on Case Study of
In the story, we get a fantastic closeup view of the drupal modules used and the reasoning behind their use. For a young Drupal developer/user, it is a very useful article.

The "Heroes" of the site were considered to be Views 2, CCK, & for search, Apache SOLR.
The list below of other drupal modules used by the site is excerpted from the article on

By donmc, 12 November, 2009

I took a look at some of these, but I really wanted to be able to do both incremental and differential backups, which eliminates most of these options. The GFI product does both, looks clean and crisp, seems to work fine, is running as we speak :)

Just so you know, the offering from Microsoft is nowhere near as good as it was under XP - only Full Disk Images, only to other network drives if you are running Pro and up, etc.

By donmc, 16 October, 2009

As I evaluate Windows 7 (which looks pretty good overall), I missed terribly the "Quick Launch" feature that I rely upon heavily in XP...
So I found this very well done lesson on how to get the Quick Launch back in V7...…

The Key thing you need to know is:

Right-Click on the Taskbar, select "Toolbars" and select "New toolbar"
Then paste this: "%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"
In the address field...

But if you like pictures, go to the link above.


By donmc, 16 October, 2009


1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510
5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679
8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128
4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038116

By donmc, 22 September, 2009
Note: This article is published HERE: (although it is not loading right now)

Configure Web Logs in Apache

Author's Note: While most of this piece discusses configuration options for any operating system Apache supports, some of the content will be Unix/Linux (*nix) specific, which now includes Macintosh OS X and its underlying Unix kernel.

One of the many pieces of the Website puzzle is Web logs. Traffic analysis is central to most Websites, and the key to getting the most out of your traffic analysis revolves around how you configure your Web logs. Apache is one of the most -- if not the most -- powerful open source solutions for Website operations. You will find that Apache's Web logging features are flexible for the single Website or for managing numerous domains requiring Web log analysis.

By donmc, 19 September, 2009

I just used this tool to reset a Vista password - it is a Linux boot CD very simple and effective. So if you've forgotten your Windows XP or VISTA password, don't despair - this tool will get you back in business FAST.


A very good walk-through is provided here:…

Oh, and yes, it's completely FREE.

By donmc, 19 September, 2009

There have been a slew of high profile Drupal sites released recently.
"The open source content management system (CMS), Drupal, continues to gain popularity both locally and internationally. The CMS powers several new high profile websites including the Prime Minister's site, launched last month and designed by Canberra-based company OPC IT and ABC's three digital radio websites – Dig Music, ABC Jazz and ABC Country. Internationally, it is used by organisations as diverse as Obama's administration in the US to Greenpeace to McDonalds."