By donmc, 14 April, 2012

I finally sat the Security+ Cert exam from CompTIA last month. Passed it, but it is definitely not an easy exam - they require memorization of lots of niggly little things that really do nothing to ensure that you really know about Securty. it's more about knowing the names of certain exploits, viruses, etc.

By donmc, 20 March, 2012

Found here:

Login Script example:


Set WSHELL = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

SETNETTIME = "net time /DOMAIN:" & DOMAINNAME & "/set /y"
'wscript.echo("Syncing workstation time with server time!")
wscript.echo("Time has been Set." & vbCrLf & "Other Scripts disabled.")
By donmc, 1 March, 2012

Synching to an External Time Source

Setting the Primary DC -  Windows Server 2003 to sync with an external time server:

Open the Registry Editor (regedt32.exe) make the following changes:

This registry entry determines which peers W32Time will accept synchronization from.
Change this REG_SZ value from NT5DS to NTP
By donmc, 10 February, 2012

Having to repair the Grub2 boot setup...

Here's how I fixed it...

  1. Booted to Ubuntu Linux 11.10 Desktop
  2. Opened a Terminal session
  3. Installed Boot-repair
  4. Ran same, and took the default one-click repair option...

For the less savvy of us, here are the two magic CLI commands to install & run it:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair

By donmc, 21 January, 2012

OK- I finally have one I like to highlight a quotation with.
It is a Drupal module called "Blockquotes" and it goes like this:

Posted by zeta ζ on July 14, 2008 at 7:38pm

The Blockquote module is used to create styled blockquotes in your pages.

These blocks of text are intended for one or more verses or paragraphs that are quoted verbatim (word for word). Separating this text into a block shows that the whole block is quoted, therefore no punctuation marks are needed to indicate the beginning or end of the quotation.

By donmc, 21 January, 2012

I wanted to add some CSS to my Drupal sites to provide a cool quotations look for blog posts etc. This is the module that I found that I think does a very good job. Unfortunately, I also need an option to remove the original text from the post - so that ONLY the pull quote is viewable. But that doesn't appear to be available as an option with this module. For most of the time, I really want the quote to be INLINE in the text. Any thoughts on how that could be done would be welcomed - you can comment on it here if you like...

By donmc, 2 January, 2012

It's hard to admit this, but I have had a great deal of trouble with Windows 7 and VPN - connecting to a remote VPN service from a Win7 Desktop.

I looked everywhere to try to resolve it, when I finally ran across this little gem:

netsh winsock reset catalog [resets winsock]
netsh int ip reset reset.log hit [resets the TCP/IP stack]

Run these two at the command line, REBOOT, and (at least for me) all of my issues with VPN connection failures were GONE !

By donmc, 27 November, 2011

This is a test of the new content type: "Webform"