Arthur Dent lives on...

By donmc, 17 September, 2008

Artemis Fowl scribe to pen sixth Hitchhiker's novel

Arthur Dent rises from the grave

By Lester Haines

17th September 2008 09:49 GMT

Fans of Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy are likely to react strongly to the announcement that Artemis Fowl author Eoin Colfer has been given the green light to write a sixth book in the series - 16 years after the release of Mostly Harmless.

According to the BBC, the project - entitled And Another Thing..., and slated for publication in October 2009 - has the "full support" of Adams' widow Jane Belson. She enthused: "I am delighted that Eoin Colfer has agreed to continue the Hitchhiker series. I love his books and could not think of a better person to transport Arthur, Zaphod and Marvin to pastures new."

Colfer, 43, admitted: "My first reaction was semi-outrage that anyone should be allowed to tamper with this incredible series. But on reflection I realised that this is a wonderful opportunity to work with characters I have loved since childhood and give them something of my own voice while holding on to the spirit of Douglas Adams."

He added: "I feel more pressure to perform now than I ever have with my own books, and that is why I am bloody determined that this will be the best thing I have ever written."

Douglas Adams died in 2001 at the age of 49, having sold around 16 million copies worldwide of his legendary Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy series.