Tips & Clues

By donmc, 28 December, 2013
Found lots of bocked (SPAM) users in my Drupal 7 site. Deleted with this SQL script (in PHPMYADMIN)
DELETE FROM users WHERE `status` = 0 AND `uid` != 0; Also had 49,000+ failed admin login attempts on my site - had caused a lockout of my admin user.
Did this in phpmyadmin : DELETE FROM flood;
By admin, 23 April, 2013

Some key cmds that I had to use to get the networking operational on the proxmox server:

root@proxmax:/etc/network# vzctl set 103 --ipadd --save

This will poke a new IP address into the config for the container.
The "/etc/network/interfaces" files that results will look like this:

By admin, 8 January, 2013

By default, the bash history does not keep tabs on the time of day that a given command was run. But it is really as simple as defining ONE environment variable: "HISTTIMEFORMAT"

This from "Linux by Example": HISTTIMEFORMAT takes format string of strftime. Check out the strftime manual to choose and construct the timestamp that suit your taste. My favorite is "%F %T ".


By admin, 27 October, 2012

I finally bit the bullet and upgraded the site to Drupal V7 - it was pretty straight forward, a few glitches here and there, but overall, pretty smooth. It was worth waiting a few years for the code to be nicely cleaned up :)

A BIG Thank You to all those clever people that contributed to the Drupal 7 experience - there is no doubt about it - it is a fantastic product.

By donmc, 28 April, 2012

I have just spent a few hours getting familiar with this cool tool. Drush allows most housekeeping for Drupal sites to be done from a command line - it's a wonderful thing. Just take a look at how much I got done executing this single command: