Tips & Clues

By donmc, 20 March, 2012

Found here:

Login Script example:


Set WSHELL = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

SETNETTIME = "net time /DOMAIN:" & DOMAINNAME & "/set /y"
'wscript.echo("Syncing workstation time with server time!")
wscript.echo("Time has been Set." & vbCrLf & "Other Scripts disabled.")
By donmc, 14 September, 2011

Microsoft Vista’s default security policy is to only use NTLMv2 authentication. I am not sure what the setting is by default in Windows 7 - so this may apply there too.

Note that NTLMv2 authentication is supported in Samba 3.0+

Seems like we ought to be heading towards Kerberos for all our authentication needs in the longer term.

See the forum discussion on this at:…

By donmc, 6 April, 2011

In order to get your data working again after an outage of 3G or 4G you need to do the following in sequence:

  1. Phone this number: ##3283#
  2. Hit "EDIT" - it will prompt for a password
  3. Hit 287804
  4. Hit "OK"
  5. Select "DATA PROFILE"
  6. Go to Menu --> Restore
  7. Hit "OK" [Twice]

It will reboot, and do stuff...
Then, once it has fully rebooted, go to: Menu/Settings/System Updates/Update Profile
Once that is done, your data connection via 3G or 4G should be repaired.

By donmc, 19 November, 2010

How to Install Windows 7 to a NEW Drive using an Upgrade DVD

I recently had to deal with Microsoft Support on this issue, and I can save you a great deal of time by passing on this procedure to you. Here's the scenario: you want to upgrade to a new monster SATA drive, and do a clean install of Windows 7 from an UPGRADE DVD, but the way the upgrade is setup, you need to first install the VISTA or XP version of windows so that the upgrade can run without activation errors. Well, I'm told by Microsoft Support that the following sequence will work: