Found lots of bocked (SPAM) users in my Drupal 7 site. Deleted with this SQL script (in PHPMYADMIN) DELETE FROM users WHERE `status` = 0 AND `uid` != 0;
Also had 49,000+ failed admin login attempts on my site - had caused a lockout of my admin user.
Did this in phpmyadmin :
This has been driving me crazy. Long delays on DNS lookups on Ubuntu 13.x desktop/laptops...
To fix dnsmasq errors, you should edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
sudo gedit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
and comment out the line so it looks like this:
# dns=dnsmasq
in the "[main]" section. To comment out the line, put a '#' at the beginning of the line, then save the file.
Then restart network-manager.
A bug I had noted in Publisher 2007 & 2010 is fixed by this simple change to the page size settings:
After following your steps I see the same problem in Publisher 2010 and Publisher 2007 Service Pack 2 but not in 2003 Service Pack 3. I see the 5 rows of 2 in 2003 as you are expecting in 2010 but not getting.
By default, the bash history does not keep tabs on the time of day that a given command was run. But it is really as simple as defining ONE environment variable: "HISTTIMEFORMAT"
This from "Linux by Example": HISTTIMEFORMAT takes format string of strftime. Check out the strftime manual to choose and construct the timestamp that suit your taste. My favorite is "%F %T ".