By admin, 8 January, 2013

By default, the bash history does not keep tabs on the time of day that a given command was run. But it is really as simple as defining ONE environment variable: "HISTTIMEFORMAT"

This from "Linux by Example": HISTTIMEFORMAT takes format string of strftime. Check out the strftime manual to choose and construct the timestamp that suit your taste. My favorite is "%F %T ".


By admin, 27 October, 2012

I finally bit the bullet and upgraded the site to Drupal V7 - it was pretty straight forward, a few glitches here and there, but overall, pretty smooth. It was worth waiting a few years for the code to be nicely cleaned up :)

A BIG Thank You to all those clever people that contributed to the Drupal 7 experience - there is no doubt about it - it is a fantastic product.

By donmc, 6 August, 2012

I have had to mess with this way too many times, so just for the record, here is what works for me:
[this based on an Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) system...]

  RewriteEngine on
  # this is for sites using port 80:
  RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC]
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]
By donmc, 22 May, 2012

Wow - it has happened...

The Chrome browser has for 1 full week edged out IE as the world's top browser.
That's BIG news for many different reasons, and shows just how persistent Google has been at pushing for a more open, standards-based browser solution.
I'd love to be a fly on the wall at the next Microsoft strategic planning session...

By donmc, 28 April, 2012

I have just spent a few hours getting familiar with this cool tool. Drush allows most housekeeping for Drupal sites to be done from a command line - it's a wonderful thing. Just take a look at how much I got done executing this single command: